Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
Choosing sources for a literature review Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 4 years ago
Finding eBooks Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding books & reviews 1 year ago
Which sources should you use? Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 2 years ago
Scholarly sources and why you need them Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Evaluating sources 2 years ago
GS102: Finding sources for mini-essay/annotated Bibliography Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews, Working with sources 1 year ago
A tutorial for librarians using Zoom for the first time Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 4 years ago
Identifying peer-reviewed journals Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 1 year ago
Teaching with Zoom in MyLearningSpace Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Learning H5P Joanne Oud Course Presentation U Other 2 years ago
Automatic captions for Zoom sessions and recordings Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Academic Sources Explained Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Working with sources 2 years ago
MyLearningSpace: How-to for Librarians Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Finding Data via Eikon and Datastream Yanli Li Course Presentation U Business information, Statistics & data, Using specific search tools 5 months ago
Course Presentation Sandbox Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 4 years ago
Where to search for peer-reviewed articles Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 3 years ago
Course Presentation for Fiasco Project Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information 4 years ago
Getting precise results: narrowing your search Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews, Research process, Searching strategically 1 year ago
Using Databases for Economics Research Yanli Li Course Presentation U Statistics & data 5 months ago
Reading strategies Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC 3 years ago
Finding a peer-reviewed article Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 4 years ago