Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
Ferdinando Partini’s View of Pantheon (1794) eLearning • DMS Image Hotspots U Course-specific 1 year ago
Google Scholar Pauline Dewan Image Hotspots CC BY-NC Searching strategically 4 years ago
Scholarly Article Components Pauline Dewan Image Hotspots CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 4 years ago
Marble relief with a Roman school scene eLearning • DMS Image Hotspots CC BY-NC-SA Course-specific 1 year ago
Napoli in the special exhibit Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano eLearning • DMS Image Hotspots U Course-specific 1 year ago
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs eLearning • DMS Image Hotspots CC BY Course-specific, Other 1 year ago
Illness-Wellness Continuum eLearning • DMS Image Hotspots CC BY Course-specific 1 year ago
Research Guide for LL200 Pauline Dewan Interactive Book CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews, Using specific search tools 2 years ago
Research Guide for DMJN 208 Pauline Dewan Interactive Book CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 2 years ago
BU412 - Services Marketing Management Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC-SA Business information 10 months ago
BU398 - Case Study Research Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Business information 5 months ago
SY103 Library Research for Bibliography Assignment Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools, Finding articles & journal…, Searching strategically 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Pauline Dewan Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
HS203 Research Guide Pauline Dewan Interactive Book CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Embedding H5P Joanne Oud Interactive Book U Other 11 months ago
SY413: Library Resources Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Course-specific 5 months ago
SY417 - Library Research Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools, Searching strategically, Working with sources 7 months ago
Learning Green Chemistry through Real-Life Examples Siu Hong Yu Interactive Book CC BY-NC Course-specific 11 months ago