Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
Assemble an article in ACS Style Debbie Chaves Drag the Words CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 1 year ago
Science Librarian Introduction Debbie Chaves Interactive Video CC BY Introduction to the Library 1 year ago
Parts of a Citation: Journal Article CSE Style Debbie Chaves Drag the Words CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 1 year ago
Anatomy of a Research Article Debbie Chaves Accordion CC BY Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
Reading strategies in Science Debbie Chaves Course Presentation CC BY-NC Working with sources 1 year ago
Basic Searching in PubMed Debbie Chaves Course Presentation CC BY-NC Searching strategically 1 year ago
Which Science Database should you Search for Articles? Debbie Chaves Column CC BY Searching strategically 1 year ago
Create a Health Science Search Strategy Debbie Chaves Documentation Tool CC BY-NC Searching strategically 1 year ago
Parts of a Citation: Book in Name-Year CSE Style Debbie Chaves Drag the Words CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 1 year ago
Thinking like a scientist Debbie Chaves Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific 1 year ago
How to Write a Research Proposal Debbie Chaves Accordion CC BY Working with sources 1 year ago
Developing a research question in Health Science Debbie Chaves Course Presentation CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Course-specific 1 year ago
GESC290-OC Researching the Waste Audit assignment Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
GESC 391-OC Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
CS100 Tutorial 1: Identifying Academic Sources for your Annotated Bibliography, Fall 2021 Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Evaluating sources, Working with sources 1 year ago
Identifying peer-reviewed journals Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 1 year ago
Searching for Chemical Information Debbie Chaves Accordion CC BY Searching strategically 1 year ago
GESC 290-OC2 Carbon Tax Report Assignment Search Strategies Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
Getting precise results: narrowing your search Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews, Research process, Searching strategically 1 year ago
Embedding H5P on Library Web Pages Joanne Oud Course Presentation U Other 1 year ago