Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
Developing a research question for graduate students Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Research questions and theses 2 years ago
Improving your thesis statement Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Research questions and theses 2 years ago
Introduction to the Library Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Introduction to the Library 2 years ago
Introduction to the Library for online students Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Introduction to the Library 1 year ago
Picking a topic Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic 2 years ago
Picking a topic and developing a research question in Geography and Environmental Studies Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC 4 years ago
Picking a topic in Psychology Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic 1 year ago
Finding and using comics Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Primary sources 1 year ago
Finding Free Online News Articles: Getting Behind Paywalls Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
How to find scholarly books Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding books & reviews 1 year ago
Finding SWOT analyses Matt Rohweder Interactive Video U Business information 4 years ago
Finding country risk: Nexis Uni Matt Rohweder Interactive Video U Business information 1 year ago
Finding statistics using StatCan's Data Portal Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Statistics & data 2 years ago
How to Find Primary Sources in History Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Primary sources 1 year ago
Better searching using AND, OR, NOT Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 2 years ago
Creating a search strategy Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 1 year ago
Getting great results: narrowing your search Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 4 years ago
Google Scholar tips Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Searching strategically 2 years ago
BF299: Searching a Database for Scholarly Articles Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 2 years ago
Determining scope Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Working with sources 2 years ago