Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
How can I tell if my source is scholarly? Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 2 years ago
Using search words effectively Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 2 years ago
How to cite in APA style Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 2 years ago
Research question and thesis for Women and Gender Studies Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Research questions and theses 2 years ago
Which sources should you use? Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Evaluating sources 2 years ago
Better searching using truncation Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 2 years ago
MyLearningSpace: How-to for Librarians Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Accessibility in H5P Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Why focus your topic Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Course-specific 2 years ago
Scholarly sources and why you need them Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Evaluating sources 2 years ago
Public Safety and Policing Subject Guide Michelle Goodridge Accordion U Introduction to the Library 2 years ago
Biblical scripture citations in Atla Greg Sennema Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Searching strategically 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Pauline Dewan Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Empowering Learners by Creating Student-Centered Hybrid Instruction Using H5P Matt Rohweder Interactive Book CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
Getting Citations: Library Research for GES Students, Tutorial 6 Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 2 years ago
BF299: Searching Omni for Books and Articles Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Finding books & reviews 2 years ago
Finding Primary Sources in History Pauline Dewan Column CC BY-ND Primary sources 2 years ago
Google Scholar tips Pauline Dewan Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Searching strategically 2 years ago
BU352 - Marketing Plan Research Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information, Other 2 years ago