Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
Course Presentation for Fiasco Project Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information 4 years ago
Omni: Pinning results & using favourites Pauline Dewan Course Presentation CC BY-NC Using specific search tools 2 years ago
Reading strategies Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC 3 years ago
How to know if a book is scholarly (Course Presentation) Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding books & reviews 1 year ago
Finding a peer-reviewed article Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 4 years ago
BU527 - Fiasco Research Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information 2 years ago
Renewing books in Omni Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Resource access and delivery 2 years ago
Which sources are relevant quiz Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific 1 year ago
Automatic captions for Zoom sessions and recordings Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Other 2 years ago
BU398 Research Presentation Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information 4 years ago
GS400/RE650A Research Workshop Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Research process 1 year ago
GG271-OC Assignment Search Strategies Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Working with sources 1 year ago
Omni: Search for videos Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Introduction to the Library 7 months ago
GAI Module 1 Presentation Christin Taylor Course Presentation U Plagiarism and academic integr… 4 weeks ago
GESC 290-OC2 Carbon Tax Report Assignment Search Strategies Peter Genzinger Course Presentation CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
BU474 Library Presentation Matt Rohweder Course Presentation CC BY-NC Business information 4 years ago
Broad vs narrow topics Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Course-specific 1 year ago
Omni: Sort by date Meredith Fischer Course Presentation CC BY-NC Introduction to the Library 4 years ago
choosing and focusing a topic Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Course-specific 1 year ago
Why focus your topic Joanne Oud Course Presentation CC BY-NC Choosing or focusing a topic, Course-specific 1 year ago