Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
CS235 Video Tutorial 1: Creating search strategies - keywords Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 3 days ago
CS235 Video tutorial 3: The academic information ecosystem Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 3 days ago
CS235 Intro video tutorial: Introduction & Assignment Instructions Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 3 days ago
CS235 Video tutorial 4: Advanced database search techniques Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 3 days ago
CS235 Tutorial 6: Documenting and managing your information Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 3 days ago
CS235 Tutorial 5: Finding sources in Communication Studies and related disciplines Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific 2 days ago
CS235 Video tutorial 2: Literature review Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-ND Course-specific 2 days ago