Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Author H5P Library Type License Subject Last Updated
The Academic Information Ecosystem: Library Research for Geography and Environmental Studies Students, Tutorial 3 Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Introduction to the Library, Research process, Searching strategically 7 months ago
SK315 Ebook: Download a PDF Chapter Meredith Fischer Interactive Video CC BY-NC-SA Introduction to the Library 2 years ago
CS100 Tutorial 3: Finding Sources that Answer Your Research Question Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Evaluating sources, Finding articles & journal…, Working with sources 1 year ago
Finding the right database Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Using specific search tools 2 years ago
Searching effectively Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 1 year ago
Searching systematically Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-ND Searching strategically, Working with sources 1 year ago
Better searching using truncation Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Searching strategically 2 years ago
Finding scholarly articles on a topic Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal… 1 year ago
Finding articles in Omni Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding articles & journal…, Using specific search tools 1 year ago
Finding books in Omni Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Finding books & reviews, Using specific search tools 1 year ago
Preparing a discussion post Meredith Fischer Interactive Video U Other 4 years ago
What is a literature review? An introduction for Social Work students Meredith Fischer Interactive Video CC BY-NC 4 years ago
How to cite in CSE style Joanne Oud Interactive Video CC BY-NC Citing & citation tools 2 years ago
English & Film Studies Librarian Meredith Fischer Interactive Video U Introduction to the Library 3 years ago
Social Work Librarian Meredith Fischer Interactive Video U Introduction to the Library 3 years ago
Medieval Studies Librarian Meredith Fischer Interactive Video U Introduction to the Library 3 years ago
In-Class Discussion Tips Meredith Fischer Interactive Video C Other 3 years ago
CS100 Tutorial 1: Identifying Academic Sources for your Annotated Bibliography Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Working with sources 3 years ago
CS100 Tutorial 2: Researching the Annotated Bibliography Peter Genzinger Interactive Video CC BY-NC Course-specific, Finding articles & journal…, Research process 1 year ago
Science Librarian Introduction Debbie Chaves Interactive Video CC BY Introduction to the Library 1 year ago